No, because they're not magic. Every operation a computer does takes time. That's why these prime numbers are somewhat important. Currently, there is no known way to generate prime numbers. So when a person can come up with a test or algorithm that can determine if a number is prime, then it means less stress on the computer components. The better the test, the less stress.
One of the most exhaustive methods would look at every prime number between 1 and sqrt(n), where n is the potential number. Prime distribution tends to follow (as a number grows larger and larger)
t / ln(t)
If we say that t = sqrt(n)
L = sqrt(n) / ((1/2) * ln(n))
This new prime number is 22,000,000 digits long (roughly). How many primes exist between 1 and 10^11000000?
L = 10^11000000 / ln(10^11000000)
ln(L) = 11000000 * ln(10) / ln(11000000 * ln(10))
ln(L) = 1485762 (roughly)
L = e^(1485762)
L = 10^(1485762 * log(e))
L = 10^645258, again, roughly
The 500 faster computers in the world have a combined speed of about 300 Petaflops per second, or 300 * 10^15 floating point operations per second. All of them working together would take:
10^645258 / (3 * 10^17) =>
(1/3) * 10^(645241) =>
3.333 * 10^645240 seconds
Now, you need to keep in mind a few things:
1) I have rounded down, twice, on orders of magnitude that are mind-confoundingly big
2) A floating point operation is not equivalent to performing an actual operation. It is much simpler. Checking the division of one number to another takes a lot of floating point operations, even for very small numbers. So I am still being extremely generous here
The universe is about 4.3 * 10^17 seconds old. If computers had to use that exhaustive method to find primes, then we'd be waiting through at least a few Poincare recurrence times before we got an answer.
I should amend my answer a bit. I said that there are currently no known way to generate primes and that's not true. What I meant to say was that there's no known way to generate a complete list of primes. However, a method of generating primes does exist
2 + 1 = 3
2 * 3 + 1 = 7
2 * 3 * 5 + 1 = 31
2 * 3 * 5 * 7 + 1 = 211
And so on.
Multiplying every known prime together and adding 1 generates prime numbers, just not a complete list. As you can tell, there are more than 5 primes between 2 and 211 and neither 5 or 7 were generated with that method.