Infinity is not a real number. Infinity is what you said. It is just a concept to help prove problems in higher maths including, perhaps most notably, projective geometry and of course Calculus.
a googol is a real number and is exactly as you put it. a 1 followed by 100 zeros or 10^100.
The 2 are most definitely not the same.
A googolplex is still a real number but is much larger than googol. A googolplex is 10^googol. In other words 10^10^100.
It is basically an impractical number and I suppose you could get away with saying it is as far from 1 as infinity but it is incorrect to say that it is "precisely" as far as infinity.
A googolplex is still a real number. It is proven that given any real number, there is a real number still larger than your starting number.
By definition, there is no number larger than infinity.
Thus, googolplex and infinity are not the same thing.