2010-11-27 18:14:12 UTC
Consider the following families of subsets of A:
F = [A_1={1}, A_2={2,3,4}, A_3={5,6}, A_4={7,8}]
F = [A_1={1,2}, A_2={2,3,4}, A_3={5,6}, A_4={7,8}]
Then consider the following relation on A: xRy iff x and y belong to the same subset of the family F.(in both cases).
Prove or disprove: R is an equivalence relation on A.
If they are equivalence relations, what are the equivalence classes?
Work stuff I've done:
I've found that they are reflexive and symmetric (though don't quote me on that) and I'm not sure if they are transitive or not. For some reason I was thinking the first was and the second one wasn't...
But anyway: If that is the case the first is an equivalence relation and the second isn't?
And how do I find the equivalence classes.