Is a certified, reputable, legitimate & an
accredited private lender.we loan fund in cash to individual business men
and women who are into Business transaction,automobile purchase, house
purchase loan and other personal also Student loans E.T.C. Are you in need of
financial assistance, Do you have a bad credit or you are in need of
money to pay bills? we give out long term loan for five to fifty years
maximum interest rate of 2%. Applicants are given the chance to let
us know the duration in which they feel they can pay back this loan
If you are interested in our financial offer contact us
Date of Birth......................... ...
Marital Status........................,
Fill the application form for immediate process.
Full Name:......................... .................
Contact Address:...................... .......
Phone:........................ ...........................
Purpose of your loan.......................
Amount Needed as Loan:...............
Loan Duration:..................... ..............
Annual Income:....................... ..........
Gross monthly Income..................
Occupation:................... .....................
Sex........................... ..
Regards, Mr Markson White (C.E.O)