Is it not obvious that is an incomparably greater amount of space between those points? Obviously there are an infinite number of rational numbers between zero and one--1/2, 1/4, 1/8..., 1/3, 2/9, 457/2397, etc.. They say there are even many more irrational numbers on the real number line as well. Here's my point though. We know that any finite number divided by infinity is equal to zero. So, if you divide a one inch line into an infinite number of parts, each part will have zero length. And an infinite number of zeros added together equals zero. In other words dividing any finite thing by infinity results in its no longer existing. So, those infinite number of cardinal points between zero and one actually don't take up any of the space in that real one inch line, because each of those cardinal points has the dimensions of an abstract geometric point which has no length, width, or depth. Therefore since althought there are an infinite number of cardinal points in a one inch line, they are actually not occupying any of the space of the real line. So, how much more real dimension is there in a one inch line than the sum total of the infinite number of zero dimensional cardinal points added together? You can't compare to zero, because you can't divide by zero. Seems paradoxical in a way, doesn't it?