("Why is calculus important to know?")
Of all the mathematical operations, trigonometry and calculus are probably the most meaningful. Without trigonometry, we would never have discovered the true nature of the shape of our own planet and the distance to the stars. We would still be thinking that the earth is flat and the stars are tiny fires in the night sky.
Calculus is the mathematics that describes how life behaves, it describes how nature works. Calculus tells you how to 'derive' the other formulas that describes how any given aspect of nature works. In other words, without a solid complete background in mathematics you cannot fully understand how the world and the Universe operates.
(".... How will this help me in computer science?")
If you are seeking a university degree in computer science, get ready to learn a "lot" of calculus. If you are asked to write a program that will show what the shape of an object will appear to be when a set of equations are made to revolve around the x- or y-axis, you will have a very hard time doing it without a good knowledge of trig., and calculus. Or, in reverse, your employer gives you an object of nonlinear shape and says: write a computer program that gives and accurate mathematical description of this object so that a client can duplicate it, what would you do without calculus?
Mathematics is a language just like any other language, it communicates information but you must first learn to speak the language. When you learn to ask the question: what is this equation trying to tell me about nature, and where did this equation come from? Then you will be on the road to understanding the real meaning and beauty behind mathematics.
Here's a couple of sources you might find useful:
The Great Courses
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