2012-03-04 15:49:59 UTC
first set says write the following numbers in scinetific notaion
1. .00007981
2. .002401
3. .00000386
the next set says convert the following numbers from scientific notaion into standard form
1. 3.65 x10 -7
2. 4.209x 10 exponent 6
3. 1.768x 10 expontnt 4
4. 5.13x 10-9
5. 1.23x 10-3
6. 9.62x 10 expont 11
and the last set says circle the number that has the larger value.
1. 1.67x 10 exponent 8 or 3.26x 10 exponent 5
2. 562,800,000 or 5.628x 10 expontent 7
3. 6.82x10-4 or 4.13x 10-2
4. 1.46x 10 expont 11 or 1.7x 10 expontnet 11
5. last one is 5.673x10 -9 or 7.21x10-9