2010-03-15 11:38:40 UTC
L is the path loss in decibels, λ is the wavelength (for instance meter), d is the distance between the transmitter and the receiver (for instance meter).
λ = 36.19/ft (434.28/inches)
d = 20 Miles
π (Pi) = 3.141593
In my calculation, I'm getting a DB Loss of 138.89/db. Can anybody confirm this
or is my answer completely way off the mark? I think my entering of 20 Log10 into
the calculator might be at fault. Not sure..
My overall goal is trying to find out the db loss on a CB radio broadcasting on
Channel 19 (27.185 Mhz) at 60/Watts. Some pre-calcs have yield that my 60/Watts is
about +48/db and a normal CB can receive at around -113/db. So that means if I'm broadcasting
at +48/db and somebody is receiving at -113/db, how far away can they be (under ideal settings)
to receive my transmission before 161/db is loss in the ether?