Apparently many out there are suffering from what my college professor called "number/numeral disease." Zero (like all numbers) has a dual identity as a concept indicating value and as a symbol representing that concept.
The number zero or the concept of zero tells you how many of something you have. If you have 3 apples, the number 3 is a property of the set and doesn't change based on who is counting. If you don't have any apples, the number of apples you have may be obvious to you, but you need a symbol to communicate that to someone else.
The numeral zero is what we use in mathematics or even in English to communicate that we have counted something and came up with nothing. It simply represents the concept of zeroness. These symbols or numerals are interchangeable: nada, zero, zip, zilch, 0, Ø, cero, or nothing.
so zero is a symbol and it is a concept: a something that reminds you that you only have nothing.
For those of you who noted the usefulness of zeros in representing other numbers, the number 10 can easily be expressed without the numeral 0 by using base 3:
31 (base three) = 10 (base 10)
Since we count by 10's, the numeral zero appears much more often in our representations of numbers
In physics, the understanding of what goes on at absolute zero doesn't have anything to do with the number or the symbol 0.
Note that absolute zero is -459 degrees Fahrenheit or -273 Celsius. The zero is just an arbritray choice.
...and Brownian motion is random motion in any fluid, such as a nice hot cup of tea.