name 100 words that begain with the letter e?
2006-04-05 15:09:08 UTC
a 100 words that begain with a letter e
Seven answers:
2006-04-05 15:27:48 UTC
Here's a bunch for ya:

Word Definition

eagre sudden rise of tide in a river

earing line for fastening corner of a sail to the gaff or yard

earwig a small insect; to bias; to pester with demands; to eavesdrop

easement rights held over another's land

eau-de-nil pale green colour

ebberman one who fishes under bridges

ebeneous like or resembling ebony

éboulement falling in of wall of a fort; landslide

ebriection mental breakdown from too much drinking

ébrillade jerking of horse's rein when it does not turn

ebrious tending towards excessive drinking

ebullioscope instrument for measuring boiling point of liquids

ebullition boiling over; agitation; outbreak

eburnean of or like ivory; ivory-coloured

ecardinate without hinges

ecarlate fine woollen cloth, usually dyed scarlet

ecaudate tailless

ecbatic grammatical construction indicating result without intention

ecbole digression

ecbolic assisting childbirth; aiding abortion

eccaleobion incubator

ecchymosis black-and-blue spot

ecclesiarchy government by clerics or ecclesiastical authorities

ecclesiastry affairs of the church

ecclesiolatry excessive devotion to church tradition and form

ecclesiology study of church affairs

eccoprotic laxative; mildly cathartic; purgative

eccrinology study of excretion

ecdemic not endemic; of foreign origin

ecdemomania abnormal compulsion for wandering

ecdysiast striptease performer

ecesis the establishment of a plant or animal in a new habitat

echard water in the soil not available to plants

echinate like a hedgehog; prickly

echinuliform resembling small spines

echoism the formation of imitative words

echolalia echo-like repetition of another's words

echopraxia echo-like repetition of another's actions

eclaircise to clear up

éclaircissement clarification; enlightenment

eclat to make notorious

éclat publicity; dazzling effect; brilliance; applause

eclegme ancient syrupy medicine that is licked off a spoon

eclipsareon astronomical toy used to show phenomena of solar and lunar eclipses

eclipsis omission of sounds or words in speech

ecliptic imaginary circle which the sun follows from Earth perspective

eclogue pastoral or rustic poem

eclosion emergence, as from a larva or egg, or of an era or movement

ecmnesia loss of memory of the events of a specific period

ecocide destruction of the environment

economacy position of controller of ecclesiastical affairs

ecophene range of phenotypes produced by a genotype in a given environment

ecophobia fear of home

écorché a human figure portrayed stripped of the skin

ecphasis explicit declaration or interpretation

ecphonensis exclamation

ecphrasis plain interpretation of a thing

ecthlipsis omitting one or more sounds in pronouncing a word

ectobatic carrying or leading towards the outside

ectogenesis variation in response to outside conditions

ectopia displacement of internal organs in the body

ectype reproduction or copy

ectypography etching in relief

écuelle two-handled soup or porridge bowl

ecydisis shedding or moulting of the skin

edacious voracious; gluttonous; pertaining to eating

edapha organisms living in soil

edaphic of, like or pertaining to the soil

edaphology study of soils

edentate toothless; without teeth; pertaining to aardvarks and sloths

edulcorate to sweeten; to rid of soluble particles by washing

eellogofusciouhipoppokunurious good

effable capable of being expressed

efferent carrying outward or away

effete weak or worn-out; degenerate

effigurate having a definite shape

effleurage stroking movement in massage

effluvium invisible emanation; offensive exhalation or smell

effodient burrowing

effulge to shine out; to beam

effusiometer instrument for comparing molecular weights of gases

eft again; afterwards

eft newt

eftsoons soon after

egad mild oath

egency need

egestion the removal of materials from the body

egoism doctrine that the pursuit of self-interest is the highest good

egotheism identification of oneself with God

Egyptology study of ancient Egypt

eidetic vivid mental image or memory

eidograph instrument for copying drawings

eidolism belief in ghosts

eidolon image, phantom or apparition; confusing reflected image

eigne first born

eikonology metaphor

eirenarch officer in charge of keeping the public peace; justice of the peace

eirenicon peace-making message, proposition for peace

eirenics theological doctrine of religious unification

eirenism peaceful state of mind

eisegesis faulty interpretation or explanation of text

eisel sour wine resembling vinegar

ejectamenta material ejected from a volcano

eke in addition; also; likewise

ekistics study of human settlement

ekka small one-horse carriage

ekphrasis description of a work of art as rhetorical exercise

élan impetuosity; dash or style; brilliancy or vivacity

elance to throw as a lance

elaphine of, like or belonging to a red deer; of, of, like or pertaining to red deer

elapid of, like or pertaining to cobras

elative indicating movement out of or away from

elatrometer instrument for measuring gaseous pressure

elchee ambassador

eldritch horrifying; arcane; strange

electrocardiograph instrument for recording unusual electrical fluctuations of the heart

electrochemistry study of relations between electricity and chemicals

electrodynamometer instrument for measuring electrical current

electroencephalograph instrument for measuring the brain's electrical impulses

electrogenesis production of electricity

electrograph instrument for recording electrical potential

electrology study of electricity

electrometer instrument for measuring electrical potential

electromyograph instrument for diagnosing neuromuscular disorders

electrophile substance having an affinity for electrons or negative charge

electroretinograph instrument for measuring electrical activity in the retina

electroscope instrument for detecting electrical charges in the body

electrostatics study of static electricity

electuary medicine mixed with honey or syrup

eleemosynary of, like or pertaining to charity or giving alms; dependent on charity

elenchus refutation; sophism

elenctic of, like or pertaining to argument; cross-examination or refuting

elephant large unit of paper measurement equal to 28 by 23 inches

elephantine of, like or pertaining to elephants

eleutherian freedom-giving

eleutheromania manic desire for freedom

eleutherophobia fear of freedom

elflock lock of tangled hair

elide omit; ignore; suppress or abridge

ell old unit of length equal to 45 inches

ellipsograph instrument for describing ellipses

elocation removal from someone's control; alienation

éloge funeral oration; panegyric

eloign to convey to a distance; to remove

elsin shoemaker's awl

elumbated made weak in the loins

elution purification or separation by washing

elutriate to separate by washing into finer portions

elydoric painted with both oil and watercolour

elytriferous having or bearing hardened forewings

em unit of measuring width of typeface where width of letters equals height

emacity itch to be buying

email type of dark ink

emarcid wilted; limp

embale to enclose; to bind in; to make into a bale

embar to shut in; to hinder; to put under embargo

embase to lower; to debase

embayment bay

emberlucock to confuse; to bewilder

emblements growing crops

embonpoint stout; plump or full in figure; corpulent

embouchement opening of a passage or tunnel

embower to place in a bower; to shelter with trees

embracery attempt to influence a jury corruptly

embrangle to confuse or perplex

embrasure recess of a door or window

embrocate to moisten and rub with a lotion

embryogenesis production of an embryo

embryoniform shaped like an embryo

emendation correction; usually of a text

emergicenter urban clinic offering emergency outpatient services

emesis the act of vomiting

emetology study of vomiting

émeute a popular rising or uproar

emicate to sparkle

emiction the discharging of urine

emissile able to be emitted or pushed out

emmenagogue drug aiding menstrual flow

emmenology the study of menstruation

emmet ant

emmetropia correct refraction of light by the eyes

emmew to confine or mew up

emollient softening; making supple

emolument payment; profit arising from employment

emonomancy divination using demons

emotivism theory that moral statements are inherently biased

empaestic of, like or pertaining to the art of embossing

empanoply to clothe in full armor

empasm deodorant powder

empennage airplane's tail unit

empery wide dominion; empire

emphractic stopping the pores of the skin

emphyteusis perpetual but conditional lease of property

empiecement an insertion in a garment

empleomania mania for holding public office

emporeutic of, like or pertaining to trade

empressment show of affection or eagerness

emprise adventurous undertaking

emption the act of buying; purchase

emptysis spitting up of blood

empyreal of, like or pertaining to heaven; sublime; skyward

emulge to milk or drain out

emunctory conveying waste; pertaining to nose-blowing

enallage the exchange of one grammatical case for another

enantiodromia process when a thing is replaced by its opposite

enantiomorph object which is the mirror image of another

enantiopathy allopathy; sympathy with one's opposite

enantiosis ironic expression of idea by refuting its contrary

enation outgrowth; extension

encaenia anniversary festival of renewal of an institution

encaustic having the colours burned in

enceinte pregnant

encephalograph instrument for recording brain images

encephaloid like or resembling a brain

enchiridion book carried in the hand for reference, esp. for music or theology

enchorial belonging to or used in a country; domestic

encolpion reliquary; cross worn on the breast

encomiast person who utters encomiums; praiser

encomic having closely curled hair

encomium glowing and warmly enthusiastic praise

encraty self-control

encyclical letter sent by the pope to multiple bishops

endarchy centralised government

endeictic showing, exhibiting or demonstrating

endeixis an indication

endemiology study of local diseases

endlong lengthwise

endocrinology study of glands

endogenous having no external cause

endophagy cannibalism within a tribe; eating away from within

endoscope instrument for visualizing interior of a hollow organ

endosmometer instrument for measuring osmosis into a solution

endysis growth of new feathers, hair or skin

energumen individual inhabited by an evil spirit

enervate to weaken

enfilade series arranged as if threaded on a string

engastration stuffing of one bird inside another

engastrimyth ventriloquist

engouement excessive infatuation

engrailment ring of dots around edge of a coin

engram lasting effect on memory

engrenage series of decisions leading towards unspoken goal

enigmatography composition of riddles or enigmas

enigmatology study of enigmas

enjambment continuation of the sense of a verse without pause

enjoin to command; to order; to prohibit by injunction

ennead any group of nine objects

enneagon polygon with nine sides

ennomic lawful; legal

enoptromancy divination using mirrors

enosimania pathological belief that one has sinned

enosis union; unification

enounce to enunciate; to proclaim

enow enough

ensanguine to cover with blood

ensiform resembling or possessing characteristics of a sword

ensign large naval flag

ensilage storage of green fodder in silos

entablature wall that rests on top of columns

entasis swelling on vertical columns to counteract optical illusion of concavity

entelechy perfect realization of ultimate goal or reason for existence

enteral of, pertaining to or within the intestine

enthalpy heat per unit mass

entheomania abnormal belief that one is divinely inspired

enthetic introduced from outside the body

entify to treat as or cause to become a separate entity

entitative regarded as a distinct entity without regard to context

entomical of, like or pertaining to insects

entomology study of insects

entomophagous eating insects

entomophilous adapted for pollination by insects

entoptic within the eyeball; visibility of objects in the eye

entozoology study of parasites that live inside larger organisms

entremets edible pastry sculpture served between main courses

entrepot a warehouse, particularly for international trade

entresol mezzanine

entropion inversion of the edge of the eyelid

entryism doctrine of joining a group to change its policies

enuresis uncontrollable urination

enzone to engirdle or surround with a zone or belt

enzymology study of enzymes

eoan of, like or pertaining to dawn

eolation geological effects of the wind

éolienne fine silk and wool

eolith stone naturally formed but thought to be manufactured

eonism adoption by a male of female dress and manner

eosophobia fear of dawn

eozoic containing early evidence of animals

epact excess of the calendar month over the lunar month

epaenetic eulogistic

epagoge induction

epagomenal intercalary; inserted between others

epanadiplosis sentence which begins and ends with same word

epanalepsis repetition

epanodos recapitulation of chief points in a discourse after digression

epanorthosis retraction of statement in order to intensify it

eparchy diocese of an Eastern church

epedaphic of, like or pertaining to atmospheric conditions

epeirogenesis building continents by moving of earth's crust

epenthesis insertion of extra sound into a word

epeolatry worship of words

epergne branched ornamental centrepiece

epexegesis addition of words to make the sense more clear

ephebiatrics branch of medicine dealing with adolescence

ephectic tending to reserve judgement

ephelis freckle or mole

ephemeris table giving location of celestial body at different specific times

ephemeromorph life form that cannot be classified as animal or vegetable

ephemeron creature that lives for only one day

ephestian domestic

ephidrosis profuse perspiration

ephod Jewish priestly vestment

epibole device of beginning several clauses with same word

epicede funeral ode

epicedial of, like or pertaining to dirges or elegies

epicene having one form or characteristics of either sex

epicheirema syllogism confirmed by an incidental proposition

epichoric belonging or pertaining to a rural area

epiclesis calling on the Holy Spirit to consecrate the Eucharist

epicrisis critical appreciation for literature

epideictic done for show or display

epidemiology study of diseases; epidemics

epidiascope instrument for projecting images of objects

epidiascope magic lantern used for opaque and translucent objects

epigamic attractive to the other sex

epigeal living near or in the ground

epigenesis theory of embryonic development

epigeous growing or living on or above the ground

epigon descendant or successor

epigone inferior follower or imitator of a distinguished original

epilate to remove hair from

epileptology study of epilepsy

epimyth moral of a story or work of literature

epinician celebrating a triumph

epinikion ode in honour of a victor or winner

epinosic unhealthy; unwelcome

epipastic dusting powder used in medicine

epiphenomenalism doctrine that mental processes are epiphenomena of brain activity

epiphonema exclamation, finishing phrase or reflection

epiphora watering of the eyes

epipolism fluorescence

episcope instrument for projecting images of opaque objects

episcopicide killing of bishops

episcopolatry worship of bishops

episemon badge or characteristic device; one of three extra Greek numeral-letters

epistatic suppressing some factor

epistaxis nose bleeding

epistemology study of grounds of knowledge

epistemology theory of a method or grounds of knowledge

epistolary of, like or pertaining to letters

epistoler reader of the epistle in Anglican service

epistolography letter-writing

epistrophe ending of successive clauses with the same word

epitasis part of a play where the action is developed

epithalamion song or poem composed for weddings

epithesis addition of one or more letters to a word

epithymetic of, like or pertaining to desire

epitimesis adverse criticism

epitoga wide academic gown with bell sleeves

epitonic subjected to excessive strain; overstrained

epitrachelion stole of an Orthodox priest or bishop

epitrope ironic permission

epizeuxis immediate repetition of a word for emphasis

epizoic dwelling upon an animal

epomania craze for writing epics

eponym personal name from which another name is derived

epopee epic poem; saga

epopoean befitting an epic poet

epopoeist one who writes epic poetry

epopt one who is initiated into mysteries

epos epic poem

éprouvette instrument for testing strength of gunpowder

epulary of, like or pertaining to banquets

epulation feasting

epulotic substance encouraging growth of scar tissue

epuration purification or purging

equable smooth; without wide variations

equanimity evenness of mind or temper; calmness

equative indicating likeness or identity

equatorium computational instrument for planetary astronomy

equilibrist tightrope walker

equine of, like or pertaining to horses

equiparate to regard or treat as equal

equiparent having a level or mutual relationship

equipluve line drawn through locations having same annual rainfall

equipoise equilibrium; counterbalancing thing

equipollent having equal power or force

equiponderate to be equal in weight; to balance

equison horse groom; jockey

equitation horseback riding

equivorous consuming horseflesh

eradiate to shoot out like a ray of light

ere before

erean made of copper or brass

erelong before long; soon

eremic of or belonging to deserts

eremite hermit; religious recluse

eremology study of deserts

eremophyte plant that lives in desert biome

erethism abnormal irritability

erewhile until now

erg unit of work measuring force of one dyne applied over one centimeter

ergasia love of work; workaholism

ergasiomania excessive desire to work; ergomania

ergasiophobia fear of work

ergative indicating subject of a transitive verb

ergatocracy government by the workers or the working class

ergo therefore; hence

ergograph instrument for measuring and recording muscular work

ergology study of effects of work on humans

ergomania excessive desire to work; workaholism

ergometer instrument for measuring work performed

ergonomics study of people at work

ergophile one who loves work

ergophobia fear of work

ergotise to wrangle

eriometer instrument for measuring very small diameters

eristic of, like or pertaining to controversy or argument

erogenesis induction of sexual desire; production of arousal

eromancy divination using water vessels

erotetic engaging in or pertaining to rhetorical questioning

erotogenic producing erotic desire or sexual gratification

erotology erotic description in literature

erotomania abnormally powerful sex drive

erotopathy pathological sexual desire

erotophobia fear of sex

errhine something which causes sneezing or for nasal ingestion

erubescent growing red; blushing

eruciform like or resembling a caterpillar

eructate to belch out; to emit lava

erumpent bursting out; bursting forth

erythema redness of the skin

erythraean reddish colour

erythrochroism excessive or pathological redness of the hair

erythrophobia fear of red lights or of blushing

erythropsia condition of seeing all colour as red

esbat meeting of a witches' coven

escadrille squadron of aircraft; flotilla

escalade crossing moat or scaling wall using ladders

escalier staircase

escapology study of freeing oneself from constraints

escargatoire place where snails are reared

escharotic caustic

eschatocol concluding clause or section of a charter

eschatology doctrine of life and afterlife

eschatology study of death; final matters

eschaton end of the world; end time

escheatment forfeiture of property to state for lack of heir

esclandre notoriety; unpleasantness

escritoire writing-desk

esculent eatable; fit for consumption

escutcheon part of ship's stern where name is displayed

escutcheon shield on which coat of arms is represented

esemplastic unifying; moulding diverse ideas into one

esemplasy the unifying power of imagination

esker ridge of sandy soil

esotropic squinting

espalier lattice on which trees are trained across

espiègle roguish; frolicsome; mischievous

essive indicating a temporary state of being

essoin giving of an excuse for not appearing in court

essorant soaring

estacade dike of stakes in a river against an enemy

estafette military courier or express

estaminet small bar or cafe

estampie vigorous rhythmic Provençal stamping dance

estiferous producing heat

estival of, like or pertaining to summer

estoppage preventing someone from alleging a fact due to prior denial

estrade low platform or dais

estrapade horse's attempt to throw its rider

estreat to consult court records in order to enable prosecution

estuosity heated state or condition

esurient hungry; greedy; starving

etamine light open-mesh cotton or worsted

eternalism the belief that matter has existed eternally

etesian periodic; winds blowing at certain seasons

eth old English letter for voiced 'th' sound

etheromania craving for ether

ethmoid of or like a sieve

ethnarchy government over an ethnic group

ethnocracy government by an ethnic group or race

ethnogenesis origin of an ethnic group

ethnogeny study of origins of races or ethnic groups

ethnomania obsessive devotion to one's own people

ethnomethodology study of everyday communication

ethnomusicology study of comparative musical systems

ethology study of natural or biological character

ethonomics study of economic and ethical principles of a society

etiolate to become pale; to make pale by depriving of light

etiology the science of causes; especially of disease

étui case for holding sewing articles

etymology study of origins of words

etymon true origin of a word

etypical unconformable to type

euchology prayer book

eucrasy state of fitness and physical well-being

eudaemonism ethical belief that happiness equals morality

eudaemony happiness or well-being

eudiaphoresis normal perspiration

eudiometer instrument for measuring air purity

euhemerism explanation of mythology as growing out of history

eulogomania obsessive craze for eulogies

eumoiriety happiness due to state of innocence and purity

eunomia state of being well governed

euonym a pleasing or beautiful name

euonymous appropriately named

eupathy state of contentment

eupeptic of, like or pertaining to good digestion; cheerful

euphobia fear of good news

euphonism custom of using pleasing sounding words

euphonym euphonious synonym

euphuism high-flown and affected style of writing

eupraxia correct or orthodox action

eupsychics proper education to induce human progress

euripus arm of the sea with strong currents

Europhile one who loves Europe

eurythermic tolerating a wide variation in temperature

eurythmics system of rhythmic and harmonious movement

eustacy changes in world shoreline by changes in sea level

eustatic remaining at same altitude despite geological activity

eusuchian of, like or pertaining to alligators and crocodiles

eutaxy good order

eutechnics improvement in condition of humanity through natural forces

eutexia the property of being easily melted

euthenics science concerned with improving living conditions

eutony pleasantness of the sound of a word

eutrapely wit, ease and urbanity of conversation

eutropic turning to face the sun

evagation wandering; digression

evaginate to remove from a sheath; without a sheath

evanescent tending to vanish like vapour

evanish to vanish; to die away

evanition vanishing; dying away

evaporimeter instrument for measuring rate of evaporation

evection attraction of the moon to the sun causing change in its orbit

eventration protrusion of an organ from the abdomen

eversion turning inside out or outwards

evince indicate or exhibit

evirate to castrate; to make weak

eviscerate disembowel

eviternal eternal

évolué primitive person educated in modern ways

evulgate to divulge; to publish

evulse to pluck out

exactor one who exacts; extortioner; claimer of rights

exallotriote foreign

exanimate lifeless; spiritless; depressed

exarate containing grooves or furrows

exarch viceroy; rank below patriarch in Eastern church

exarchy government by bishops

exaugurate to desanctify; to deprive of sacred status

excalation omission of one of a series or sequence

excarnate to remove flesh from

exclaustration return to public upon release from vows

exclave part of a country surrounded by foreign soil

excogitate to discover by thinking out or reasoning

excoriate censure severely; strip the hide off of

excorticate to strip the bark off of

excrementitial of, like or pertaining to excrement

excresence outgrowth; projection; tumour

excubant on guard

excursive constituting a digression

exeat permission from bishop for clergyman to work elsewhere

exeat formal leave of absence; permission to be absent

execrate to denounce or place under a curse

executancy technique in music

exedra semicircular bench beside episcopal throne; outdoor bench or recess

exegetic explanatory, especially of Scripture

exemplum short story or anecdote with a moral

exenterate to disembowel

exequy funeral rites; procession

exercitation putting into practice; exercise

exergue reverse of coin where date is contained

exgorgitation vomited material

exheredate to disinherit

exigible liable to be exacted

exiguous scanty; slender; sparse

exility slenderness or smallness; refinement

eximious excellent or distinguished

existentialism doctrine of individual human responsibility in an unfathomable universe

exlex outside the law

exobiology study of extraterrestrial life

exocentric of a linguistic compound, having a different grammatical function than its parts

exoculate blind; eyeless

exode farce or afterpiece

exodist one who goes out; emigrant

exodontia extraction of teeth

exodromy stabilizing movement of exchange

exogenous having an external origin

exonym name for a town or country in a foreign language

exopathic due to external forces or causes

exophagy cannibalism outside one's own group

exorable capable of being moved or influenced

exordium beginning or introduction to a composition

exosculate to kiss fervently or heartily

exoteric intelligible to the uninitiated; commonplace

exotropia outward squint

expatiate to wander freely; to write about in great detail

expeditate to deprive of the ball of the foot or the claws

expergefacient awakening; arousing

experientialism doctrine that knowledge comes from experience

expiate to make amends for wrong

expiscate to find out by strict examination

explement complement

exponible able to be explained

expostulate to remonstrate; to discuss or reason with

exprobate to reproach; to upbraid

expromission relieving another person's debt by taking it upon oneself

expugn to take by storm; to overcome

expurgate to purify or revise; to censor

exsanguinous without blood

exscind to cut off; to uproot

exsect to cut out

exsert to protrude

exsiccate to dry up

exspuition spitting

exstrophy turning an organ inside out

exsuccous lacking sap

exsufflate to blow away; to exorcise

extensometer instrument for measuring deformation in object due to forces applied

exterritority exemption from local regulations

extispicy divination using entrails

extramundane beyond the known universe

extravasate to let out of the proper vessels; to flow out

extrorse turned outward

extrospection examination of matters external to oneself

exungulation paring of the nails

exuviate to cast off or shed

eyas unfledged falcon or other bird of prey

eyelet small hole in fabric to allow passage of a cord; eyeservice work done while the boss is watching

eyne eyes

eyot small island in a lake or river
2016-07-19 00:10:11 UTC
I once had an elderly lady for a friend. She had a wonderful little dog. A mix of some sort. She had the dog trained well and it behaved very well. Learn here

She kept an uncovered candy dish on her coffee table with candy in it. The dog was forbidden to eat the candy. When she was in the room observing the dog he did not even appear to notice the candy. One day while she was in her dinning room she happened to look in a mirror and could see her dog in the living room. He did not know he was being watched. For several minutes he was sitting in front of the candy bowl staring at the candy. Finally he reached in and took one. He placed it on the table and stared at it, he woofed at it. He stared some more, licked his chops and PUT IT BACK in the bowl and walked away. Did he want the candy, oh yeah. Did he eat it? Nope. They can be trained that well but most, I'll admit, are not trained that well. When I was a young boy, maybe 5 years old. We had a german shepherd. He was very well trained also. My mom could leave food unattended on the table, no problem. She would open the oven door and set a pan roast beef or roast chicken on the door to cool. No problem. He would not touch it, watched or not. But butter? Whole other story. You leave a stick of butter anywhere he could reach and it was gone. He was a large shepherd so there were not many places he could not reach. Really, I think the number of dogs trained to the point they will leave food alone when not being supervised is very small indeed.


Now if we are talking obedience training, not food grubbing, that is a different story. Way back when I was first learning obedience training one of the final exercises was to put our dogs in a down/stay and not only leave the room but leave the building for 15 minutes. The only person that stayed was our trainer, not the owners. Most of the dogs in my class did not break their stay, which would be an automatic fail. I'm happy to report my dog was one of the ones that passed.
2006-04-05 15:49:46 UTC
Enough, everyone, everywhere, even elves, elect excellent elephant's en-mass. Extreme episodes,emitting Ethiopian eels, eventually erupt early, evaporating easily east. Emu's enjoy Eskimo escorts. England's empty enthusiasm enveloped earth's earlier epochs. Entertaining eagles earn elaborate estates, esteem, exaltation etc. Envious ewes expecting exquisite engagements, each endure endless encounters. Exit. End.
2006-04-05 15:09:55 UTC
The first 100 words in the dictionary under "e."

And there you go.
2006-04-05 15:26:07 UTC
look in the dictionary. Thank U for the points ;)
catty blond
2006-04-05 15:16:35 UTC
are you kiddin?


thanks for the 2 points
2006-04-05 15:36:10 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.