there are many idea for this
1) make a program to make a list of prime numbers
2) make a program to do multiplication the way you do it
Ingore the @ sybol it for spaeing things here just put a blank or space for it
124* 23
@ 372
3) make a timer program where it will count down from a specific time and notify you it done it or have it turn on something
4) have it do half life equation
5) have it do calculate pi
6) make a number guessing game
7) make it make up the time times at radom and you have to give it the correct answer for it
8) make a code/ decoder program , where you give it a message and it encodes and when you put the coded message in it decodes it
9) make a tic tack toe game
10 program it to graph a function
11) solve the quadradic equation by using the quadradic formula and print the roots whetever it imarigary or real roots of it
12 ) calculate the time it will take a object to fall from a given height
the sky the limit here