If you actually want to write out all the possible combinations it gets a tad more laborious.
Here's some python code I wrote to do this. To use it you'll need to download IDLE from python.org and install it on your computer.
When that's done, open up IDLE and hit ctrl + n on your keyboard. Copy the code below:
def rotate(number, start_index = 0):
>>>>number = str(number)
>>>>rotations_list = []
>>>>number_rotations_required = len(number)
>>>>for index in range(start_index, number_rotations_required):
>>>>>>>>excluded = ""
>>>>>>>>if start_index != 0:
>>>>>>>>>>>>excluded = number[0 : start_index]
>>>>>>>>first_number = number[index]
>>>>>>>>other_numbers = number[index + 1 : ] + number[start_index : index]
>>>>>>>>rotation = excluded + first_number + other_numbers
>>>>return rotations_list
def permute(number):
>>>>number = str(number)
>>>>start_index = len(number) - 2
>>>>list_to_permute = [number]
>>>>while start_index >= 0:
>>>>>>>>new_list = []
>>>>>>>>for list_element in list_to_permute:
>>>>>>>>>>>>new_list.extend(rotate(list_element, start_index))
>>>>>>>>start_index -= 1
>>>>>>>>list_to_permute = new_list
>>>>return list_to_permute
Unfortunately due to the formatting here you'll need to replace every ">" with an empty space " ". The first bracket followed by "..." should read: (rotation). The other brackets with "..." in them should read: (rotate(list_element, start_index)).
Now hit F5 on the keyboard and save the file to anywhere on your computer. Hit F5 again and a command line-like shell will appear. Type "permute(number)" where number is whatever you want to find combinations of. You can find combinations of words as well, just enter a word instead of a number.
Hope this helps!