1. It's easy to show that the curve capturing the largest area must be convex (otherwise, we can decrease the perimeter and increase the area of the curve).
2. It's easy to show that no polygon could be such curve: for any polygon of degree N, we can construct a polygon of degree N+1 with same perimeter but greater area. The way to do it:
consider any vertice of the polygon A. consider two more vertices on A's left and on A's right, let's call them B and C.
so, we have ABC triangle, AB+AC are contributing towards the perimeter, and BC is the base
If we build a trapezoid BCDE with the same base BC, D and E two new vertices to replace A, and BD=DE=EC, it's easy to show such trapezoid will have larger area than ABC triangle.
then since for a polygon with N vertices, polygon with N+1 is better, we see that the best polygon has an infinite amount of vertices = circle.
3. However for closed curves that aren't polygons... such as ellipses, for example.... let me think on this one :)
Here's what we could try.
Lemma 1. for a given perimeter and given N, a regular polygon with N vertices will have larger area than any irregular polygon with N vertices (not gonna prove, but wouldn't be hard, argument similar to #2 above, vertice-by-vertice).
Let's now consider a closed curve C, some polygon inscribed in it, and some polygon in which the curve is inscribed. So, polygon on inside, polygon on outside. let's call them I and O.
it's clear that I's area S(I) < S(C), and perimeter P(I)
similarly, S(O)>S(C), and P(O)>P(C)
Lemma 2. For any closed curve C and any number d, no matter how small, there exist I and O of degree > N such
granted, N may have to get quite large for small d's. There will however exist a calculable N(d) dependence.
again, im not gonna formally prove this lemma.
what i'm trying to do is sandwhich the area and perimeter of the curve between two polygons, with which it's easier to work.
so now suppose we choose some N=3 and draw the I and O (triangles). If I and O are regular polygons, choose N=4, then N=5 etc. If I and O stay regular, N will run to infinity, and this will mean C is indeed a circle.
If for some N I and O are not regular, make new polygons I' and O' of the same degree and perimeter that are regular. By Lemma 1,
S(I')>S(I), and S(O')>S(O)
if S(I') > S(O), then we can draw a C' that's sandwhiched between I' and O', with the same perimeter and C, whose area is larger.
If not, note that
S(O') = S(O) + x, for some x. By Lemma 2, we can choose d to be smaller than x for some large N', and let N' be a multiple of N.
So now we can construct polygons I'' and O'', where for sure
S(I'') > S(O)
and thus the area of C'' sandwhiched between I'' and O'' will be greater than area of C
i hope you can follow that rabble....