1. First line indent- Typsetting reference to TAB and copy flow. Normal indention would be a 5 character "in" from the remainder of the copy
2. Font point size- Size of the text on the page or body of copy
3. Drawing Canvass- This is the area of space outside the "live area" in Adobe Illustrator
4. Drawing Objects- Tools in Illustrator or other drawing program to create the forms
5. Hard Column break-
6.Slide design- Powerpoint reference, used with template and Master slide creation
7. Slide layout- Powerpoint reference, The organization of elements on the slide
8. Slide show view- Powerpoint reference, Command button
9. Slide Sorter- Powerpoint reference, Optional way to view all slides in the presentation
10. Animation scheme- Powerpoint reference, FLASH reference - details how animated elements should operate
11. Emphasis Effect- Powerpoint reference, Glows, flashing or animated effects for presentations
12. Exit effect
Powerpoint reference, defines the slide to slide progression
13. Transitions- Powerpoint reference, similar to above, but can be applied automatically across all slides for the presentation
14. Merge- Microsoft Word, Excell command - Allows you to take a database and uniformly have specific "cells" in one database, position or bold in another program (ie: form letters or envelopes for printing
15. Argument
16.Dependent cells- Defined boxes in a database for a specific function
17. Function formulas- HTML reference for specific data or task reactions to user selections
18. Precedent cells
19. Relative cell references
20. Logical Functions- Computer code commands that perform specific actions to user interactions
21. Statistical function
22. Entrance effect- Powerpoint reference, either slide or presentation appearance of each slide