2010-07-02 17:00:10 UTC
"Hi Everyone,
I have marked your exam. The highest mark was 48.5/50 and the average was 33/50. So, no scaling this time.
You will soon receive another e-mail, probably no subject with a number in it. This is your midterm mark out of 50.
Many of you have done very well, but some have not. If you are trying to decide whether or not to drop. Chapter 12 is probably harder than chap 11, although if you are doing well, it is probably about the same. Also, the next mid term will be a little bit harder because the material on it will be harder. If you did badly, but manage to improve on the second midterm and the final (and have done the assignments), then I can reduce the impact of the first midterm on your final grade. If you have questions, I will be in my office tomorrow about 10 - 12."
Now I am a bit worried. I don't know how to treat this "average" is it the mean, mode or median? I am too embarrassed to ask, what do you think it is? I literally feel like a loser right now. ch12 is integration
What should I do? Should I just drop it? I am embarrassed for my life. I wanted to be a math major, now I just don't know...