The answers so far are fine as far as they go.
Where you may want to go with this is to be able to
construct an actual proof of this fact, no matter how
logical it may/may not appear.
This is a perfect situation for Proof by Contradiction.
It's to be proven that in the described circumstance, the
sequence converges to a unique limit. ASSUME NOT.
Then there are 2 different real numbers A and B, each of
which is the limit of the sequence. Let L = | A - B | be the
non-zero distance between A and B. Let d = L/2. Then
from the definition of limit, the sequence is eventually
(meaning from some point on) inside the open interval
(A-d , A+d) AND inside the open interval (B-d , B+d) .
Because these open intervals are disjoint (don't overlap)
this cannot happen. Therefore the original assumption
that we have different limits must be FALSE. Therefore
there is only one limit. End of Proof.
A mathematician is expected to be able to put together
such straightforward proofs like this in his/her sleep, with
one hand tied behind his/her back. There are scads of
basic elementary facts about numbers and about sets to
give you practice with this. It is part of the math language.
Mathematicians love this and expect this, but it has a
very practical side. This teaches you to be able to think
something through and say Exactly the reason and the
full reason why something is true. If you wind up being
a mathematician in Industry you will need to be able to
explain stuff to non-mathematicians. If you can give the
reasons well enough to satisfy a fellow-mathematician,
you should be able to satisfy your boss as well. If you
wind up being a mathematician in a teaching setting,
you will want to be able to explain to your students why,
for instance, the Quadratic Formula works. If you are
a mathematician who chooses to branch out into, for
instance, bridge design, you want to be able to think
through a design task thoroughly and deeply and logically
enough so that the bridge will not fall down 40 years later.
Basically, we have to have people in the gene-pool who
can be counted on to think things through clearly and
completely, and present facts clearly and logically. That
is why mathematicians walk the earth.