All of those things will indeed be covered in differential equations. I just took differential equations in the spring; I'll give you a list of the chapters from my book, and include the more important subtopics, so you can see what's covered:
---Initial value problems
---Direction fields
---Euler's method
First order differential equations
---Separable equations
---Linear equations
---Exact equations
---Integrating factors
Mathematical models and numerical methods involving first order equations
---Compartmental analysis (also known as tank problems)
---Newtonian mechanics
---Improved Euler method
---Runge-Kutta and Taylor methods
Linear second-order equations
---Homogeneous linear equations
---Auxiliary equations with complex roots
---Nonhomogenous equations: the method of undetermined coefficients
---The superposition principle
---Variation of parameters
Introduction to systems and phase plane analysis
---Elimination method for systems with consistent coefficients
---Solving systems and higher order equations numerically
---Introduction to the phase plane
---Coupled mass spring systems
Theory of higher order linear differential equations
---Basic theory of linear differential equations
---Homogeneous linear equations with constant coefficients
Laplace transforms
---Definition and properties of the Laplace transform
---Inverse Laplace transform
---Solving initial value problems
---Transforms of discontinuous and periodic functions
---Impulses and the Dirac delta function
Series solutions of differential equations
---Cauchy Euler equations
Matrix methods for linear systems (my class skipped this chapter)
Partial differential equations
---Method of separation of variables
---Fourier series
---Fourier cosine and sine series
---The heat equation
---The wave equation
---Laplace's equation
I hope this is something like what you were looking for. Looking back, I think though that most of the topics you mentioned must have been covered in calculus 3 (I remember learning all those topics but apparently I didn't learn them in differential equations). So I'm not sure I had to type all that out...oh well.