Your question: "Simultaneous Equations (Elimination)? How do I go about this simultaneous equation
I understand that I have to do something to make one of the terms the same as the other, but i'm not sure which method (x,/,LCD,HCF, etc.) that i am meant to use"
According to my calculator x = 7, y = -5.
There necessarily is a solution because the two lines are not parallel, so they must intersect at some point.
The coordinates of that point are the solution of the equation.
At this time I am unable to calculate correctly and have little light to work in, too.
There are other technical difficulties beyond my control and unrelated to whether I am making errors.
So you will have to look it up for yourself.
Almost certainly you are not serious and do not want to know how to solve the system.
Since you are aware of the term "simultaneous equation" you would have searched for that topic.
The rest of your message, after the equations, is gibberish.