dim a(2,3)
a(1,1)=1: a(1,2)=0: a(1,3)=-3
a(2,1)=2: a(2,2)=-1: a(2,3)=1
for i=1 to 2
for j=1 to 3
next j
next i
Write your ow matrix operations like in the incomplete
example above.
dimension you array(s).
Fill the array or matrix locations with data (numbers).
Use a double nested loop to perfom the math operation(s).
Then print the answers.
I learned BASIC back in 1976 on a XEROX 560 mainframe.
I've used, IBM PC basic, basica, quickbasic 1.0 - 4.5, gwbasic, powerbasic and have never seen any built in matrix functions.